Third Book To Be Released In March

A Messenger Has Messages For Our Time

The articles and video vignettes associated with this series feature Dr. Randy Brooks, PhD.  A gifted speaker and author, Dr. Brooks has crafted three poignant books with messages that are appropriately timed for helping Americans navigate through the social and civil malaise that has reared its ugly head again.

Within the swell of injustice and uncertainty fueled by intolerance and discord launched from the highest perches of authority in our country in recent years, the need for perspective and retrospection beckons a direction that refocuses on those characteristics that can cause all Americans to experience their greatest destinies.

Dr. Randy Brooks, an accomplished author, speaker, businessman, clinician and clergyman, is using his platforms to reach those who ascribe to living the fulfillment of their greatest purpose.

Dr. Brooks has authored two books and co-authored one. His published works include:

                “Live Your Best Life – – Walk by Faith”

                “We Are One”

                “The Big Fish in a Small Pond – How to Operate A Successful Business”

“Live Your Best Life,” published in 2019, was co-authored with nine other authors. It’s a resource for a workable directive that celebrates the strength of a purpose driven life while walking by faith.  The forward was written by world renowned Ruben West.  This book is available in paperback through this website @Ask Dr. Brooks.  The cost is $15 plus shipping and handling.

“We Are One,” published in January of 2020, this book is an honest look at patriotism. There are so many misconceptions and distortions concerning patriotism (as was recently displayed at our Nation’s Capitol Building in Washington, DC).

This book delves into the rudiments of truth regarding the topic and provides an accurate understanding while giving you a game plan on how to introduce patriotism back in your life, the lives of your family and your community. 

Available in paperback on Amazon for $14.99, it is also available on Kindle for $4.99. Simply CLICK HERE to get your copy.

“The Big Fish in a Small Pond,” is his most recent book. Set for official release in March 2021, it too is perfectly timed as it provides a realistic blueprint on how to operate a successful business.

Covid has crippled the economy and continues to erase jobs and earning opportunities for millions of Americans.  And while many are at a crossroad, some of the displaced have decided to open a business.  The challenge created by that decision is the revelation that many are flying blind and have no clue of how to go about their new mission in a sustainable fashion. 

This book will also be available on Amazon. Stay tuned for the release date of this great resource that provides a hold your hand guide to success based on Dr. Brooks’ 35+ years of experience as a successful entrepreneur.