Messenger Message Series

Featuring: “WE ARE ONE”



This series of posts, as alluded to earlier (A Messenger with a Message) shall feature Dr Randy Brooks’ previous work as an author.

With this post, we begin to examine the nuggets found in his book “We Are One” – – an honest look at patriotism in a day and age when not everyone loves their country… their community…nor their life.

Released in 2020 an available on Amazon, this post is the first in a series that features videos extracted from an interview where Dr. Brooks discusses the book.  The interview is conducted by Dr. Raymond Harlall, World Civility Ambassador.

Let’s listen in as he discusses United We Stand, Divided We Fall or as it’s presented in his fourth chapter “United or Un-tied.”

In this chapter, he discusses the true benefits of patriotism, the power of unification and collaborative efforts.  Additionally, the aspect of wealth and power is discussed as it relates to patriotism. He also


Video no.1 in the series